Our Mission

Hands of Grace is a UK registered Christian charity, seeking to serve the people of Pakistan by providing financial grants to people and organisations. As a Christian charity, we have a particular focus in encouraging Christians around the world to love their Pakistani brothers and sisters. However, we expect much of our work to be benefit the wider Pakistani population as well.

We seek to serve in 3 main ways:


Healthcare is a basic requirement for human flourishing, but sadly it is out of reach for many people. Just as Christ reached out to the sick and needy, Hands of Grace seeks to support Christian charity hospitals to provide affordable healthcare to anyone who needs it.


In the modern world, access to education is what opens doors. Unfortunately for many Christians in Pakistan, poverty or discrimination can prevent them making use of their gifts. Hands of Grace seeks to these open doors again, by making funds available for further education, enabling talented Christians to break the cycles of poverty and put their gifts to use under Christ.


The Bible says that the Church is the display of Christ’s glory on earth. Hands of Grace seeks to serve churches in Pakistan, by providing grants for the development, materials, or training which, God willing, will establish their ministry for the next generation.

We need your help

The only way we can do any of this is with the prayers and generous support of Christians who want to stand with their brothers and sisters in Pakistan.